Sunday, June 14, 2009, 11:42 PM

It's late at night. Nearing to midnight already.
And Nicholas is still watching movies. Well, good for him (:
I texted him cos i rarely saw 11.11pm. But as usual, the show's much more important.

Anw, will be having MovieMarathon tmr ! :D
Yay-ness to each and everyone of us. Finally the clique can get back together.

Friday, June 12, 2009, 9:28 PM
Woke up at 7am. Washed up. Down to Batok at 8am to meet up with Syibli. Off for band. Met up with the rest and went for breakfast. Came back for sectionals. Me, Syibli, Halim & Nazrul went to Street Soccer Court to wait for Hongting & Azimah. We then took some HOT photos. Hahaha.

Watched them fall-out.
985 to Lot1 to have lunch at FoodCulture with Aubrey, Hongting and Azimah.

Off to Sweetalk where we saw Sabrina, Shan & SherylTay.
SherylTay had to leave early so the rest of us went pasar malam. Went to the void deck then after. Listened to songs, took photos&video, chats, laughs.
Yeah, that's about it.

Accompanied Shan to Watsons and i got Kinder Bueno from Sab :D. Off to KiddyPalace where we played with everything there. Sabrina&Shan left home early.

Went to find RuiZhong with Aubrey&Azimah. Slacked at LamSoon. Ruizhong separated from us after a while. Back to Lot1 to bused back home.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 7:45 PM
Today's the 10th.
Nicholas really don't want to post anything :(
So i'll keep on my words to intrude his privacy since he didn't say anything like "you can't!" or something like that.
Still waiting for him to say something about me posting here. Aiyahhh.
Wonder if he even sees this ahhh.

There's band BBQ on the 8th. Overnight and homed on the 9th. But being the typical Nicholas Tang, he won't stay at home even though he claimed to be a good guy.
Tsktsktsk. Hehe (:

The loneliness can be felt when we're not together
which can eat me deep inside.
Then it's easy to doubt whether our love is really true.
From then till now, i still have the same words for you,
我爱你. I still mean it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009, 11:11 PM

Damn you, Nicholas Tang !
You better update this blog before i start updating it for you with craps like every single day. Hehe (:
Too bad you told me your user & pass.
I'm so gonna take advantage of it.
Okaaaaayyy laaa. Go change your pass then.
If you're not changing, i'll update your blog with craps everysingle day once you decided to push it aside.

Thursday, June 4, 2009, 10:02 PM

Hello readers!

Nicholas is on the phone with me now and all he do is to listen to his music and not talking to me. So when i'm dying of boredom, i'd do stupid stuffs like intruding nicholas's privacy and post here. (:

I know he loves me alot. Hehe :D

Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 9:57 PM
Woke up at around 11am plus. Play com, Audi.
Had lunch at home, went to friend's house. Play com & jumped around like mad. Off to 'Limbang' shopping centre to buy bicylce. Dinner at friend's house.
Walked home, Reached home at around 9pm plus.



DMB CaiJiaLi Claudia Sabrina SandyLok SherylTay Syibli Valentine Tan WeeShan


June 2009
